Meet the Team - Others_MNZ7114


The Flinders is quite far away. How do I get to Melrose?

If you’re really enthusiastic you could ride, but we suggest driving and hey, it’s not that far away. If you’re flying in or don’t have a car or just can’t be stuffed driving, we can collect you in our super comfy shuttle bus with a purpose-built bike trailer. Hey presto, no problemo.

Google Maps directions from Adelaide to Melrose.

What accommodation do you recommend?

Melrose is great for trails and adventures but isn’t exactly a thriving metropolis, but we recommend staying with us at Under the Mount. Because it’s bloody amazing and we love bike riders.  

How many fit in the shuttle bus?

The shuttle seats 10 in comfort on the inside. An extra two on the roof if you like fresh air. Also, this is not a thing. It’s 10. Do not get on the roof.

We also have a super new comfy 4WD, so we can take more of your crew if you need us to. 

I love my bike. It’s worth more than my car. What sort of bike trailer do you have?

A really good one (Shingleback Off Road Outrigger Bike Trailer). Because we love our bikes too. It holds 14 bikes like we hold a cold drink at the end of the day. 

Do I need to pack spares?

Bring your essentials and make sure your bike is well maintained and service (eg prior to your tour.)  

Bring specific parts to suit your bike (At least one spare tube).  We will have a limited amount of spare tubes, lube, bike pump and tools. Any parts used will be charged at normal rates on top of your tour cost.

I ride but my partner doesn’t, what do I do with them?

This is easy, our tours accommodate for the less experienced. They can ride in the shuttle bus with us and we can rest their arse and legs. Guides can drop them at bespoke places to hike or grab coffee at the next town and wait. They will not be left out. Talk to the tour coordinator to work out the best way forward.

I like to ride hard, will the tour guide be able to keep up?

Yes, our guides are all super experienced, fit and are experts in assessing your fitness levels. If you’d like to ride extra hard, we’ll team you you with our top-level ex-Olypmian MTB’ker and we can pretty much guarantee it won’t be our guide who needs to worry about keeping up.

I don’t want to ship my bike, can I hire a bike from you?

Yes, we have a range of gravel, hybrid, e-bikes and mountain bikes for you to choose from depending on your personal preference and fitness level. And don’t worry, we don’t have crap bikes. Our bikes are all amazing and even though we know your personal bike is the best bike and you love it beyond words, we’re sure you’ll be happy with ours. And we won’t tell your bike you’re cheating on it if you don’t.